In The News
It's been forever since I've updated my site. Thank you for all the messages asking what's new, what's going on and what's next on the list. To start things off, we have the big red carpet premiere of THE HAUNTING OF COTTONWOOD Thursday, January 25th at the Historic Senator Theatre. Check out the official trailer on my splash page - there you'll also find the link to reserve your seats for this special night. We've sold quite a bit of tickets so don't delay!! Many of the cast and crew will be flying in from all over the country: Director Michael McLaren, actors Carson Jean Holley, Kevin Winn, Christian Valejo, Wendy Lavezzi, Dawn Lemay just to name a few. Elena Moscatt from the new series ROSEMARY STREET and Steven Gilillan from LOW BALL will be making an appearance - both are currently casting their upcoming projects and both are being shot in the DMV area. Also the guys from THE CHOP SHOP will be there. Its a great time to network and get involved in our upcoming projects!! 2 step and repeat stations, several local press photographers and news media will be covering the film and after party. Get with us!! Tap the link to reserve your seats before its too late.
We are excited to announce that our new series is getting a lot of attention!! Chris Williams from NEW JACK CITY has just signed on to play the high school music teacher. I love our cast and the storylines we have coming up I cant wait to shoot and share with you!! Check out the opening credits!!
Also follow us at the official website - ROSEMARY STREET SERIES -
So my guest starring role on the paranormal series A HAUNTING episode NEVERMORE, has gained so much traction its the most watched and re-aired episode of season 11. If you do a Google search for my episode NEVERMORE add Travel Channel to the search, you'll see the next time it will air on national television. You can always catch NEVERMORE on Discovery Plus - A Haunting episode NEVERMORE (Season 11 episode 7) NEVERMORE doesn't end like a typical A Haunting episode. Tune in and find out why.
The Chop Shop is another project that's on hot the table. We have a team working for us based out of Sacramento California that has plans for the film after the SAGAFTRA strike. Ill be updating this page every month so definitely stop back and check for updates to get in the mix with me. Thanks again for stopping by!!
I'll see you soon!!
Johnny Alonso